Tahini and Pistachio Porridge







This post is sponsored as an advertorial for Quaker Oats UKSo a pretty famous recipe amongst my retreat and event attendees is a tahini and pistachio cookie I learnt to make when on retreat with one of my favourite chefs, Kimberly Parsons.

I make batches all the time for my boyfriend and to take to friends houses too. I love the creamy nutty combination of tahini and pistachio and it's what inspired this porridge recipe because why not turn a cookie recipe into porridge so you can enjoy it every single morning!

As you know I'm partnering with the NEW Oat So Simple Protein and bringing you yummy porridge recipes throughout the winter months. The protein sachets comes in two variants; Original and Cinnamon and this recipe works perfectly with the cinnamon one. This breakfast is delicious and convenient for any busy morning routine or pre workout.

Porridge and Pilates is becoming my motto for life ;) I've been talking a lot recently about feeling content and the ways I go about reaching a level of contentment in all areas of my life and one step I've been focusing on this year is routine. I don't exactly have a life which lends itself to finding a lovely daily routine and to be honest I know I'd be bored and miserable if I did but lack of any routine leaves me feeling overwhelmed, unorganised and flustered.

So there's little things that help me find some sense of stability and daily structure such as Pilates, going to the same place to workout at F45, working from the same coffee shops, going to bed and waking up at the same time and of course having my morning bowl of porridge.

A varied diet is important which is why I love that as long as I have my base of protein oats I can get creative and change up the toppings.

Ingredients, serves 2 2 sachet Original Oat So Simple Cinnamon Protein 380ml unsweetened almond milk 2 tbsp tahini 2 tbsp pistachios (chopped) 20 fresh blueberries

Method Heat the porridge and milk until thick and creamy then stir through the tahini for the last 30 seconds of cooking. Separate the porridge between two bowl and top each with a tbsp of the chopped pistachios and a handful of blueberries.

Love, Lottie x


No.15 Great Pulteney Bath Spa Hotel


Feeling Content: My Five Top Tips