You’re a qualified Pilates teacher, now what?

Wherever you are at in your journey, firstly a huge congratulations to you on gaining your Pilates teacher qualification or embarking on the course.

I hope you feel really proud and I hope you celebrated. It’s such a huge achievement and takes a lot of work and commitment. You now have all the skills to teach a fabulous Pilates class…however you might be feeling a little stuck with how to get started or in need of a little confidence boost?

It’s completely natural to now feel a little stuck and hesitant to dive into the teaching and career side of things. It’s something they don’t often teach once we have the qualification.

So how do you bridge the gap between becoming a qualified instructor and actually teaching?

This community is all about that! Building confidence and giving you the business skills to create your dream Pilates teacher life!

Sign up to the Pilates Post Grad Crew email list by registering your interest with Lottie here.



Sat Jun 22 | 11-12:30pm

in person @ yogarise Peckham, London

Join Lottie in person. A teachers class followed by a Q&A to explore what could be holding you back from living the life you imagine as a Pilates teacher.

Price: £25.00, VAT: £5.00. Total cost: £30.00

Weds July 24 | 7-8.15pm

online via zoom

Join Lottie for a zoom call. A teachers class followed by a Q&A to explore what could be holding you back from living the life you imagine as a Pilates teacher.

Price: £6.00, VAT: £1.20. Total cost: £7.20