Your At Home Pilates Kit

The great thing about Pilates is that you just need yourself and a soft surface to get started. There’s tons of routines on my Youtube and in my Virtual Studio which don’t require any equipment but there are also some wonderful classes that do. The small equipment we use on the mat can really enhance, support and add a wonderful extra challenge to your Pilates.

The Virtual Studio will have a whole section of classes which incorporate these different pieces of equipment so I wanted to collate a little list of things you might want to add to your mini at home Pilates kit as you move forwards in your Pilates journey.

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Small Ball

The small ball is one of my favourite pieces of equipment which can be used for almost every exercise in a mat sequence. Whether it’s to open the back, create more inner thigh work, challenge your balance or aid mobility this small ball is so versatile. Try this class in the Lottie Murphy Pilates virtual studio to start using the ball in a creative and challenging way.

You want to look for a soft ball that is 18-23cm. When using the ball, don’t fully inflate it to maximum but keep a little give so it’s easy to grip and doesn’t roll away.

Here’s some links:

Prices range from £5.50- £11

Yogamatters soft exercise ball

Casall body toning ball


Mini Bands

I love using the mini bands. They add such a great resistance to leg and upper body work and really allow us to work deeper. So tiny, easy to travel with and fun! This mini band set from Bala is amazing as it comes with 5 strengths. Price: £18 for pack of 5.

Ankle/Wrist Weights

Ankle and wrist weights work wonders to create that extra load to our limbs which will build strength and encourage awareness. Of course you can use any ankle/wrist weights or even jars of food in the hands but what I love about these bangles is that you can move as if they aren’t there and they look quite chic too. I use 1-2lbs weights. You don’t need them heavy for the type of work we do in my classes. Try this full body Pilates class using the weighted bangles here.

Here’s some links:

Prices range from £20-£50

Bala Bangles from Free People

Adidas Ankle/ Wrist Weights



A theraband or resistance band is another piece of equipment where there’s endless ways we can use it. It’s wonderful to use for shoulder strength, amazing to support flexibility and so much more. Again a lightweight item that you can travel with, you can also tie it up and use like you would the mini bands so two in one really. Try this free class on Youtube using the theraband.

Here’s some links:

Prices from £10-£15

Bloch Resistance Band - comes in 3 different strengths.

Physio Room - pack of 3


Pilates Ring

The Pilates ring or otherwise known as the Magic Circle is a classic Pilates prop, you’ll find them in many Pilates studios and they are mainly seen used between the thighs to create a lot of work for the inner thighs by squeezing the ring however there are so many other wonderful ways you can use the Pilates ring. You can try it out in my free youtube routine here and I can’t wait to create more routines using the Pilates ring for the virtual studio soon.

Here’s some links:

Yoga-Mad Pilates Ring from John Lewis - £24.99


Pilates Head Cushion

A lovely piece of equipment to use if you require some support under your head for your neck alignment, also a great option to add padding for knees, elbows, hips when laying on the floor and a great one to use between the thighs too to increase a sense of connection to the abdominals. Of course you can use a towel or small cushion you have at home but this is an ideal size.

Here’s some links:

Prices from £2.50-£4.50

Head cushion

Head cushion cover


I hope you found this post helpful and remember you don’t have to purchase everything to get started. Maybe start with one piece of equipment and add a new one to your at home kit every few months. See you on the mat.

*some links in this post are affiliate links which means Lottie Murphy Pilates will get a small % of the sale if you use the link. It doesn’t affect your price.


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